Friday, July 30, 2010

4 legz Natural Doggie Treats now coming on Amazon

Kudos - AND doggie treats all around in celebration of 4legz! Woof Woof Horray! Owner Cythnia Murray and her husband John are making headway on their FANTASTIC business 4legz. These wonderful doggie (ok I admit I tried one) treats are superb. You can get a bag off their site - Owner Cynthia is deaf, and one amazing woman!!! We used to live together - when she got her first hearing dog Odie. Odie was a service dog and he was such an amazing wonder, not to mention great friend, that Cynthia named one of their treats after him. So why not support this NEW! LOCAL! BUSINESS! They have been working hard at it for several years and now have a small commercial kitchen business until they get so many orders that they have to switch to a bigger bakery. My dog (not to mention every dog I've shared their treats with) went crazy for these treats.
Cynthia Murray is also president of the non-profit "Signing Santa" organization whose notoriety includes involvement in winning a "Best of the Northwest" film award.
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

TRANSFORMATION ACCESS - Washington Trails Greenway Association

Capture Me Studios is proud to announce the release of their new film "Transformation Access"
This film has been in the making for a while. There are a lot of people in the community whose efforts are film-worthy. We captured just a few in this film.
We worked with people new and returning to the Studio. Christine Redmond with the Alaskan Cricket is seen in this film and helped it come to completion. The WTGA is always informative and inspiring. Newbie - Sherry Murphy tried her hand at narration to finish the film off and we want to thank all the people that were willing to do interviews and were not shown here.
~ Click on the title above to see the film on youtube.

Friday, July 2, 2010


These beautiful Heron's staked their claim near one of our bays here in the Pacific Northwest, and I was blessed to bear witness to this event thanks to, Earth Sculptor, Henry. Henry Hollweger received the Shine award this year for his untold environmental efforts in our community. (No scotchbroom is safe when he's around!) This piece is available for purchase at our online store.

Herons Black And White