Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008


This is something I learned this year - to celebrate the everyday victories. Thanks to my buddy Rich, this piece started selling the second day it went public. He purchased it off our WEB STORE. Other than "Out-of-Print' art, you can purchase this at Capture Me Studios on-line ART GALLERY in a print, a t-shirt or card, as well as get other products.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008


NARTHEX - nɑrθɛks - Pronunciation [nahr-theks]
–noun Architecture.
an enclosed passage between the main entrance and the nave of a church. Origin: 1665–75; < LGk nárthēx, Gk: giant fennel
This expresses how I've longed to be close to God, but felt like I was not accepted into the 'inner sanctum' before in churches. I added in a fennel look due to the origin of the word, which made the leaf look like a butterfly. God always amazes me. I was actually working on another piece, but this just happened.

Monday, November 3, 2008


you're not alone -
it's not about stopping the pain
it's about the
transforming power
of love
when you're willing to be with me
when I don't know
what love is

My Sacred Life

I saw this squirrel on the pathway where I was walking Saturday morning. I don't usually see them preserved like this, as if he had just fallen in the same position he died. I try to let death shock me when I see it - an instant reminder of how short life is. I went home to get my camera and when I returned, these two people, Charlotte and Eric were also noticing the squirrel. We talked and they ended up helping me with the shoot. It felt comforting to be sharing in this strange event with them. I love America, where you can meet unknown friends on a path during a dead squirrel shoot. Thanks Charlotte and Eric. I hope to see you at the art show on Dec 12th.